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Receiver/Restructuring Officer

The certified and licensed staff at Larry S. Hyman, CPA, and Associates understands that a Receiver or a Restructuring Officer that has been appointed by the Court is one of the most carefully regulated positions in the court system today and also one area that needs specialized expertise and process understanding.
A receiver is an  individual who has been given the responsibility to take control and manage the property of a business, an individual, or some other entity.  A receiver is appointed in a court proceeding and by order of the court takes control of all the real, tangible and intangible assets of an existing business or individual.
The staff at Larry S. Hyman, CPA, and Associates have the experience to serve as receiver  and the ability to  administer assets of the receivership estate.  Their broad background and many years of experience working in receiverships insures their ability to understand highly complex  issues and what is expected by the court upon their appointment.
Larry S. Hyman, CPA, and Associates is the premier firm in the Tampa Bay area and State of Florida to handle Receiverships.  We will help preserve profitability, manage the operation of the business or individual, work to control cash flow and protect the assets while always acting in the best interest of all parties involved.

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